Wow Classic Druid Balance Guide
In classic wow the most recommended leveling spec for druids is feral usually focusing on the damaging side of the talent tree. In classic wow the most recommended leveling spec for druids is feral due to their increased damage and good survivability and versatility.

You can filter gear by every stat in classic wow ranging from primary.

Wow classic druid balance guide. Night elf for the alliance and tauren for the horde. There are six content phases in classic wow. In this guide we will cover every druid talent in their talent tree how useful it is in both pve and pvp situations as well as covering the best druid talent builds and best druid specs in both pve and pvp environments.
Search for a certain type of item like all leather helms gloves. Welcome to wowheads classic balance druid leveling guide page. This site makes extensive use of javascript.
Welcome to wowheads classic feral druid leveling guide page. Welcome to wowheads balance druid talents classic guide updated for. Using wowhead to find gear upgrades for your classic balance druid type and level.
The versatile druid is capable of filling any role within the game making it a true hybrid class. Note that just because the talent selection is focused around dpsing it doesnt mean feral druids cant tank or heal dungeons or leveling groups if they. Best races for pve wow classic dps balance druids only two races in wow classic can be druids.
Classic balance druid abilities rotation guide wow classic 113 rotation. They bring extremely low damage run out of mana quickly and simply do not offer enough to make them worth a raid spot. Your rotation as a balance druid comes down to one ability.
Therefore you do not have any options when choosing what druid race is best for pve or pvp once you have picked a faction to play. Bear form is the first shapeshift form youll learn at level 10 through a questline. Balance druids commonly referred to as boomkins are arguably the least desirable specialization for pve in wow classic.
In groups restoration will do quite well but you do not need the restoration talents to heal. Balance druid leveling guide druids can also level as restoration but it is by far the worst option if you plan to level alone. Balance will serve you better while allowing you to also quest and do damage when needed.
Feral is the most popular leveling spec build for druids as the spec focuses on dealing more damage while still providing good survivability tools. Thanks for reading our class guides. While balance is not the most common leveling spec we have created this guide with the best leveling builds and advice.
Welcome to our wow classic guide for balance druids. The classic wow druid leveling guide recommends the best leveling spec and talents from 1 60 and covers recommended rotations gear and all the advice to help you level quickly. Balance druids use moonkin form to blast their enemies with arcane and nature damage from afar.