Wow Classic Resto Druid Healing Guide
However in classic wow druids will most often times find themselves healing and occasionally being a tank. Note that just because the talent selection is focused around healing it doesnt mean resto druids cant tank or even dps dungeons or leveling groups if they.

Welcome to our restoration druid guide for world of warcraft battle for azeroth bfa 83.

Wow classic resto druid healing guide. Druids have the ability to deal damage either up close in cat form or with spells from afar in moonkin form. While epics from blackwing lair play a large role in this list we also recommend gear from pvp professions dungeons and quests. If you enjoy kyxs guides you can follow her on twitter and youtube.
Blanketing your allies in these types of heals do frequent small bursts of healing. Welcome to our wow classic guide for restoration druids. On this page you will find out the best pve talent choices and builds for your restoration druid healer in wow classic.
During her time playing kyx focuses on all aspects of druid including pve and pvp. Here you will learn how all you need to know to play the druid class as restoration healer. Resto druids are master of healing over time spells hots.
Here you will learn how to heal as a restoration druid in both raids and mythic dungeons. While healing druids are not going to be pumping out the numbers of a priest they bring a lot of utility to any group. In classic wow the most recommended leveling spec for druids is feral due to their increased damage and good survivability and versatility.
Natures healing touch druid pve guide the druid is a class that is capable of fulfilling many different roles ranging from melee dps tank caster dps tank healer and raid healer. Bisdruid healing best in slot gear bis wow classic below are the best in slot gear recommendations for healing druid in blackwing lair the newest raid in wow classic phase 3. Pages in this guide 1 introduction 2 spell summary 3 builds and talents 4 rotation cooldowns and abilities 5 stat priority 6 enchants and consumables 7 gear and best in slot.
Noduel classic wowdueling pvp bis gear kyx is a world of warcraft veteran and druid fanatic having played since vanilla. We cover everything from the basics all the way to min maxing techniques to optimize your output. While restoration is not the most common leveling spec we have created this guide with the best leveling builds and advice.
Keep lifebloom on an active tank. Wow classic pve talent builds for healing druids. Rejuvenation regrowth wild growth and lifebloom just to name a few.
Welcome to wowheads classic restoration druid leveling guide page. Druids are the most versatile class in the entire game using their shapeshifting ability to harness the powers of whatever role they so desire. Viability of restoration druid healers in wow classic pve content healing druids are extremely viable in classic wow with raids being optimally taking 1 3 depending on their composition.
Classic restoration druid healer guide last updated on feb 23 2020 at 0001 by impakt 14 comments welcome to our restoration druid healer guide for wow classic tailored for pve content.