Feral Druid Wotlk Pvp Guide
For pvp it also prevents stealth and invisibility. Arena macros make gameplay feel more fluid and make it easier to make quick decisions.
This guide ended up being very long so we decided to split it in different pages.

Feral druid wotlk pvp guide. Faerie fire is one of the best armor debuffs in the game making having one druid in your raid very valuable. The guide includes talents glyphs gems enchantments add ons gameplay skill rotation tips. In this guide you will learn about playing a feral druid in the arena or a battleground.
In this guide you will learn about playing a feral druid cat in a raid. Feral druid dps talents build guide battle for azeroth 820. As a last resort players can shapeshift into bear form for increased armor and health.
Feral druids have survival instincts as major damage reduction abilities. Welcome to wowheads feral druid arena pvp guide. 1 a month or less to enjoy an ad free experience unlock premium features and support the site.
Welcome to the feral druid pvp guide for world of warcraft wrath of the lich king 335a. This guide outlines the role of feral druids in pvp their strengths and weaknesses strong compositions for feral druids and effective pvp strategies. On the feral druid pvp talents page you will find an analysis of each pve talent row to help you decide which talent to pick on each row as well as an overview of the pvp talents which advice on which ones to take and under which conditions.
In this section we cover how gear works in pvp in bfa the best stat priority for feral druids in pvp the best pieces of gear and azerite traits for feral druids in arena pvp as well as the best enchants to use on your gear. Feral druids have dash and stampeding roar for bursts of movement speed when they need it. It also includes advice on talent builds and pvp talent builds for feral druids as well as recommended gear essences macros and addons for pvp.
This ability allows you to root someone in place great for pvp and even can be used to cc mobs in a dungeon. The guide includes talents glyphs gems enchantments add ons gameplay skill rotation tips team setups. On the feral druid pvp rotation and playstyle page you will learn.
Welcome to wowheads feral druid arena pvp guide. Welcome to the feral druid dps guide for world of warcraft wrath of the lich king 335a. In this section of the guide we will cover every useful macro for feral druids in pvp including focus macros.
We will also cover the best pvp addons for feral druids and for pvp in general.