Coronation Of King George Vi And Queen Elizabeth
This photo was taken on the balcony of buckingham palace just after the coronation of king george vi on may 12 1937. King george vi with his daughters princess elizabeth and princess margaret on the grounds of the royal lodge in windsor england in 1946.

Franklin and eleanor roosevelt with king george vi and queen elizabeth on the uss potomac 9 june 1939 in may and june 1939 the king and queen toured canada and the united states.

Coronation of king george vi and queen elizabeth. From left to right we see the new queen elizabeth princess elizabeth the dowager queen mary princess margaret and the newly crowned king. It was the first visit of a reigning british monarch to north america although he had been to canada prior to his accession. Coronations have been held at westminster abbey for 900 years and the coronation of queen elizabeth ii was to follow suit.
The coronation of george vi and his wife elizabeth as king and queen of the united kingdom and the dominions of the british commonwealth took place at westminster abbey london on 12 may 1937. Watch queen elizabeth iis 1953 coronation. In 1937 the 11 year old princess elizabeth had watched her father king george vi crowned in the elaborate ceremony and 16 years later on 2 june 1953 her own official coronation was to take place.
The coronation of king george vi and queen elizabeth in 1937 was the big event of the early television service and the first true outside broadcast using a mobile control van. On may 12 1937 princess elizabeththen just 11 years oldlooked on as her father king george vi was crowned at westminster abbey. Little did she know that just 16 years later she would be in the exact same place and at the center of the very same ceremony.
Marvel at the coronation and crowning of king george the vi and queen elizabeth the queen mother in 1937 at westminster abbey in london england. The coronation of king george vi and queen elizabeth as king and queen of the united kingdom and the dominions of the british commonwealth and as emperor and empress of india took place at westminster abbey london on 12 may 1937. George vi ascended the throne upon the abdication of his brother edward viii on 11 december 1936 three days before his 41st birthday.
Edwards coronation had been planned for 12 may 1937 and it was decided to continue with his brother and sister in laws coronation on the same date.