Wow Classic Druid Fc Guide
An addon for world of warcraft classic that adds a list of available trainer spells to the spell book so you can easily know when to seek a class trainer out. Below you will find each spec restoration balance and feral combat with some short details about their biggest strengths.

Alliance druids can come from night elves while horde druids can only come from tauren.

Wow classic druid fc guide. Included with this are the recommended talent tree build and a link to the complete guide which includes even more information such as the best gear stats you. Spells you already know are moved to the bottom. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know to play a druid in a pvp environment in wow classic with a focus on battlegrounds but also including world pvp and dueling.
In classic wow the most recommended leveling spec for druids is feral usually focusing on the damaging side of the talent tree. Welcome to our world of warcraft classic druid guide everything you need to know to play the druid class. Druids are easily the most versatile yet least role focused class in world of warcraft wow.
Noduel classic wowdueling pvp bis gear kyx is a world of warcraft veteran and druid fanatic having played since vanilla. The guide will cover everything from talent choices gameplay and rotation and useful racial bonuses. Upgrades the class trainer interface adding functionality to ignore search and train all.
We also have the best race weapons profession and talent specs to use. Classic druid class overview and guides classic wow druid leveling guide best leveling talents 1 60 useful class training add ons class trainer plus. Wow classic pve talent builds for healing druids.
Welcome to our world of warcraft classic druid builds list. We have race base stats and how your primary stats affect your character. The argument for versatility could be made for the shaman as well but the shaman tends to have a role and stick with it unless they respec where as a druid is far more fluid with respect to their role in a group especially at lower levels.
During her time playing kyx focuses on all aspects of druid including pve and pvp. Unlike other classes only one faction for each race can become a druid in world of warcraft classic. If you are looking for detailed information on how to master the druid in classic wow click on our classic wow druid class guides below.
Feral is the most popular leveling spec build for druids as the spec focuses on dealing more damage while still providing good survivability tools. Classic druid pvp guide. If you enjoy kyxs guides you can follow her on twitter and youtube.
Welcome to wowheads classic feral druid leveling guide page. Wow classic druid guides on this page you will find a brief overview of the druid class as it was in classic wow to help familiarize yourself with the class as it was years ago. Note that just because the talent selection is focused around dpsing it doesnt mean feral druids cant tank or heal dungeons or leveling groups if they.