High School Homecoming King And Queen
The king and queen are upperclassmen juniors or seniors while the court is lowerclassmen. Why one michigan high school is dumping the tradition of crowning a homecoming queen.
The crowning of lake mary high schools homecoming king queen october 18 2013.
High school homecoming king and queen. Milford ohio woio typically a male and a female student are voted upon to be crowned as homecoming king and queen. In high school 17 or 18 year old students in their final year are represented by a king or queen. Since homecoming is all about school spirit the students elected to the court are usually pretty involved in school activities.
Local rules determine when the homecoming king and queen are crowned. High school is full of time honored traditions but one michigan school says it has done away with electing a. Students honor school board with banners king and queen county public schools held division spelling bee northam announces expansion of premier tech horticulture plant in king and queen.
The high school announced friday that it is doing away with traditional homecoming king and queen designations instead crowning the two students as royalty this change in terminology was made. This year was different at an ohio high school. Now there is only homecoming royalty in past years the school has always crowned a.
King and queen school board recognizes school board clerk. Cnn the days of homecoming king and queen are long gone for the students of milford high school in ohio. Homecoming court elections differ from school to school but it generally goes down like this.
Milford high school had two girls become homecoming royalty instead of having a male king and female queen at friday nights football game. In college students who are completing their final year of study usually between 21 and 23 years old.