King And King Lesson Plan
This lesson focuses on martin luther king jrs visit to india in february 1959. Students will retell the story write a connection infer and more.

Inside youll find 30 daily lessons 20 fun activities 180 multiple choice questions 60 short essay questions 20 essay questions quizzeshomework assignments tests and more.

King and king lesson plan. Kings dream into reality. Martin luther king lesson plans and activities for a new generation the function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. The king and i lesson plan contains a variety of teaching materials that cater to all learning styles.
Kings life and words associated with him 245 kb pdf grades pre k 1 names names names 453 kb pdf grades pre k 1 dr. Courtesy of the library of congress prints and photographs division washington dc. Kings leadership and character 485 kb pdf grades 2 3 picturing nonviolence or nonexistence 436 kb pdf grades 4 5 people of peace 398 kb pdf grades 4 5.
King through reading writing listening and speaking activities that not only provide a glimpse into dr. Explore the philosophy of nonviolence and the african american freedom struggle through childrens literature. Intelligence plus character that is the goal of true education.
Teaching nonviolent direct action through childrens literature. Martin luther king jrs pilgrimage to india. Close reading lessons for martins big words are featured in this posts.
Fun craft with sentence study will help your students learn and have fun. Kings life but empower students to help bring dr. King and malcolm x meet for the first and only time following kings 26 march 1964 testimony before congress.
Martin luther king jr lesson plans with reading and writing activities for kindergarten and first grade. This lesson explores ways to help students make connections to dr. Martin luther king jr and malcolm x.